Board of Education » Board of Education

Board of Education

QPS Board Members

Paula Suman, President

Seat 4 (2022-2027)

Shane King, Vice-President

Seat 3 (2023-2028)

Albert Ray, Clerk

Seat 1 (2021-2026)

Buddy Harris, Member

Seat 5 (2020-2025)

Terri Daniels, Member

Seat 4 (2024-2029)

All Board Meetings are held at the Quapaw Administration Center, 305 West 1st Street.

Board Meeting Dates 2024 (All Meetings at: 6:30 p.m. unless noted)

January 22 at 6:00 p.m. (Special Meeting)

February 20 (Meeting Location: HS Cafeteria)

March 14 (Meeting Location: HS Cafeteria Student Presentation then return to Admin Office)

April 11

April 25: 7:00 p.m. (Special Meeting)

May 16

May 23: Noon (Special Meeting)

June 13

June 27


August 15

September 12

October 10

November 14

December 16 at 5:00 p.m.



The board recognizes the value to school governance of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in board meetings. By this policy the board has established guidelines to govern public participation in board meetings necessary to conduct its meetings and to maintain order.

In order to permit fair and orderly expression of public comment, the board shall provide an opportunity at each regular meeting of the board for public comment on items listed on the agenda of the regular meeting for board action. Members of the public who wish to make public comments unrelated to items on the board agenda may also address the board by following the procedures outlined below.

Public Comments – General Guidelines

If the board determines there is not sufficient time at a meeting for public comments, the comment period may be deferred to the next regular meeting. In addition, the board has the right to expect that public discussion will be orderly and civil. If not, the board can, in its discretion, discontinue public comment.

Whenever issues identified by the participant are subject to remediation under policies and procedures of the board or district, they shall be dealt with in accordance with those policies and procedures. In particular, the board will not hear either positive or negative comments about staff members or persons connected with the district until those comments/complaints have reached the board through proper administrative procedures.

Board members will not respond to questions or comments during public participation.

No individual or group may use any agenda item as a forum for campaigning for or against a candidate for public office or ballot measure.

Public Comments on Agenda Items

Participants must be recognized by the president or other presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name and group affiliation, if applicable.

Comments of the speaker must relate to an item on the meeting agenda. Generally,

participants shall be limited to comment of a maximum of three (3) minutes duration unless altered by the presiding officer, with the approval of the board. All public comments during any one regular meeting shall be limited to no more than fifteen (15) minutes. No participant may speak more than once during a single meeting. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no participant may address or question board members individually.

Individuals or groups wishing to speak during the public comment period of the meeting must check in with the board clerk at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of the board meeting. The individual must provide the following information, in writing, in order to speak before the board:

  • Name and address of the individual
  • The agenda action item(s) the individual wishes to address
  • The organization the individual represents or is affiliated with, if applicable

Public Requests to be Added to the Board Agenda

Individuals who wish to address the board by having an item / issue added to the agenda must submit a written request to the superintendent at least seven business days in advance of a board meeting on the form available in the superintendent’s office.

The superintendent and board president have final authority in determining whether to include an item on the board agenda. The superintendent will notify the potential speaker at least two business days prior to the meeting whether the requested item has been included on the agenda.

No speaker will be permitted to make comments on issues which are subject to remediation under policies and procedures of the board or district, In particular, the board will not hear either positive or negative comments about staff members or persons connected with the district until those comments/complaints have reached the board through proper administrative procedures. Further, no person will be allowed to speak regarding the following:

  • An issue in a pending lawsuit, complaint or investigation filed with an outside agency, wherein the district, employee(s) or the board is a party;
  • A pending grievance;
  • A pending employee complaint filed with the district or an outside agency;
  • A complaint against individual employee(s);
  • An employee disciplinary action, including suspension or termination;
  • A pending pupil disciplinary action including suspension or appeal that may reach the board

No individual or group may use the agenda item as a forum for campaigning for or against a candidate for public office or ballot measure.

Reference: 25 OKLA. STAT. §303, 304