Federal Programs
Federal Programs/JOM/ARP ESSER 3 Plan
Phone: 918-674-2501
Phone: 918-674-2501
Phone: 918-674-2501
Indian Education Parent Committee 2023-24
HS Student Rep: Lacinda Attocknie
Calendar of Events 2023-24
Bullying Prevention Meeting: February 1, at 6:00 p.m. (QHS Cafeteria)
Quapaw Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, veteran status,or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: David Carriger, Quapaw Superintendent of Schools/Title IX Coordinator, 305 West 1st, Quapaw, Oklahoma 74363, (918) 674-2501.
Impact Aid Application 2024
Adopted: September 11, 2014 Revised: August 10, 2015; August 8, 2019
The purpose of this policy is to establish the district’s expectations for parental involvement. [Section 1118(a)(2), ESSA. ] The district agrees to implement the following statutory requirements:
The school district will put into operation programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with Title I, Part A programs, consistent with section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. Those programs, activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children.
Consistent with section 1118, the school district will work with its schools to ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policies meet the requirements of section 1118(b) of the ESSA, and each include, as a component, a school-parent compact consistent with section 1118(d) of the ESSA.
The school district will incorporate this district wide parental involvement policy into its LEA plan developed under section 1112 of the ESSA.
In carrying out the Title I, Part A parental involvement requirements, to the extent practicable, the school district and its individual schools will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 of the ESSA in an understandable and uniform format and, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand.
If the LEA plan for Title I, Part A, developed under section 1112 of the ESSA, is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, the school district will submit any parent comments with the plan when the school district submits the plan to the State Department of Education.
The school district will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part A schools in decisions about how the 1 percent of Title I, Part A funds reserved for parental involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than 95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools at times when the Title I, Part A allocation exceeds $500,000.
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The school district will be governed by the following statutory definition of parental involvement, and expects that its Title I schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition:
Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring—
- that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
- that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’ s education at school;
- that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child;
the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the ESSA.
The school district will inform parents and parental organizations of the purpose and existence of the parental information and resource center in the state .
The district will implement or accomplish each of the following components. [Section 1118(a)(2), ESSA.]
The district will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district wide parental involvement plan under section 1112 of the ESSA: annual reviews, evaluations, committee meetings, parent- teacher conferences.
The district will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review and improvement under section 1116 of the ESSA: annual reviews, evaluations, committee meetings, parent-teacher conferences.
The district will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: annual reviews, evaluations, committee meetings, parent-teacher conferences.
The district will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies in Part A with parental involvement strategies under the following other programs: Head Start.
The district will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Title I, Part A schools. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with particular attention to parents who are
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economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background). The school district will use the findings of the evaluation about its parental involvement policy and activities to design strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary (and with the involvement of parents) its parental involvement policies.
6. The district will build the schools’ and parent’s capacity for strong parental involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, through the following activities specifically described below:
The school district will, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school district or school, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraph --
the State’ s academic content standards,
the State’ s student academic achievement standards,
the State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments,
the requirements of Part A,
how to monitor their child’s progress, and
how to work with educators:
OSDE conferences and workshops, parent-teacher conferences, literacy night events, and back to school nights
The school district will, with the assistance of its schools, provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement, such as literacy training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement, by conducting parent-teacher conferences and literacy workshops.
The school district will, with the assistance of its schools and parents, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools, by conducting parent-teacher conferences, training sessions through parent-teacher organizations, literacy workshops, and publishing school newsletters.
The school district will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Home
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Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, and public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children, by providing information and encouraging participation in the above-mentioned programs.
E. The school district will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent- programs, meetings, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand: personal and automated phone calls, letters to parents, newsletters and websites will be used to communicate this information.
The district incorporates as a part of its policy the following discretionary components:
involving parents in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of that training;
providing necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A funds, if the school district has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for that training;
paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental involvement activities, including transportation and child care costs, to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions;
training parents to enhance the involvement of other parents;
in order to maximize parental involvement and participation in their children’s education, arranging school meetings at a variety of times, or conducting in-home conferences between teachers or other educators, who work directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to attend those conferences at school;
adopting and implementing model approaches to improving parental involvement;
establishing a district wide parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parental involvement in Title I, Part A programs;
developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based organizations, in parental involvement activities; and
providing other reasonable support for parental involvement activities under section 1118 as parents may request.
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This District Wide Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs, as evidenced by the minutes of the meeting in which parental involvement and the manner in which that would be achieved was deliberated.
The school district will distribute this policy to all parents of participating Title I, Part A children annually.
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Adopted: September 11, 2014; Revised: August 8, 2019
The board supports parents’ efforts to be involved in the district’s education programs. This policy outlines the district’s efforts to educate parents and support parent involvement in response to the 2014 Parents’ Bill of Rights.
Parents have the right be involved in their minor child’s education, including directing that education. Parents are encouraged to exercise their rights in conjunction with district guidance so as not to inadvertently impede their minor child’s compliance with federal and state mandated requirements – including requirements related to graduation. Parents also have the right to review school records related to their minor child.
Parents generally have the right to consent prior to an audio or video recording being made of their minor child. This right does not preempt the district’s right to make recordings (without specific parental approval) related to:
- safety , general order and discipline
- academic or extracurricular activities
- classroom instruction
- security/surveillance of the buildings or grounds
photo ID cards
Parents have the right to receive prompt notice if their minor child is believed to be the victim of a crime perpetrated by someone other than the parent, unless law enforcement or DHS officials have determined that parental notification would impede the related investigation. These notice provisions do not apply to matters which involve routine misconduct typically addressed through student discipline procedures. School personnel will not attempt to encourage or coerce a child to withhold information from parents.
The district will promote parent participation at the site level with the goal of improving parent and teacher cooperation in areas such as homework, attendance anddiscipline. Thiswillbeaccomplishedthroughactivitiessuchas:
- Parent teacher conferences
- Back to school / meet the teacher nights
- District sponsored webpages with class information available to parents
- School newsletters
The district will inform parents about their children’s course of study by disseminating this information:
- During annual enrollment
- In student handbooks
- On the district’ s webpage
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- All call phone notification system
Parents may review learning materials affecting their minor children’s course of study, including supplemental materials, by making a request through the building principal.
Parents who object to a learning material or activity may withdraw their minor child from the class or program in which the material is used. In order to withdraw a student, the parent must submit a written request, signed and dated by a parent, to the building principal. Parents who choose to withdraw their minor child from a required class are responsible for making alternate arrangements for the child to earn credit for the class.
The district offers sex education in grades 7, 8 and 10. Parents who object to their minor child participating in the district’s sex education program must submit a written notice, signed and dated by a parent, to the principal in order for their child to be excused from participation. Students who are not participating in the district’s sex education program will be permitted to study in the school library or office during sex education instruction.
If a teacher is going to provide instruction or presentations regarding sexuality in a course apart from formal sex education, the teacher will send written notice home to parents 7 days in advance of the presentation. Parents who object to their minor child’s participation in such instruction may send a written request to the building principal to have the student excused from the presentation. Any such student will be permitted to study in the school library or office during the presentation.
Parents may learn about the nature and purpose of clubs and activities which are part of the school curriculum by reviewing student handbooks and the district’s website. The district’s extracurricular clubs and activities are also published in student handbooks, the district’s policy manual, and are available on the district’s website.
Parents have numerous rights and decision making responsibilities concerning their minor children. To assist parents in meeting these responsibilities and to fulfill its obligations under the 2014 Parent Bill of Rights, the district has compiled the following information for parents:
- The district provides sex education to students in grades 7, 8 and 10. Parents may opt their student out of the district’s sponsored sex education program by following the procedures established in item 4 above.
- Parents who are not residents of the district may enroll their minor children in the district’s schools in accordance with the district’s open transfer policy. A copy of that policy is available in the superintendent’s office.
- The district utilizes a number of resources to educate students. Parents who object to an assignment based on sex, morality or religion may opt their minor child out of the assignment by following the procedures established in item 3 above.
- Students are generally required to receive a predetermined set of immunizations prior to enrolling in school and to receive additional boosters
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throughout enrollment in the district. This requirement may be waived if the parent submits a note from the minor child’s physician stating that the child should be excused from the immunization for health reasons or if the parent submits a note objecting to the immunization of the child.
- Students are required to meet certain obligations in order to be promoted to a subsequent grade, particularly with regard to learning to read. Parents can learn about these requirements – including efforts the district will take in order to help students become successful readers – by reviewing the district’s policies on Reading Sufficiency Act testing, and student promotion. Copies of these policies are available in the superintendent’s office.
- Students are required to meet certain obligations in order to graduate from high school. Parents can learn about these requirements each year during course enrollment. This information is also available in student handbooks and on the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s website (www.ok.gov/sde/).
- The district provides AIDS education for students in grades 8 and 10. Parents may opt their minor student out of this education by submitting a written request, signed and dated by a parent, to the building principal. Students who are not participating in the district’s AIDS education program will be permitted to study in the school library or office during the scheduled instruction.
- Parents have the right to review student test results related to their minor student. Parents may review the results of classroom exams by contacting their child’s teacher. Parents may review the results of state-wide testing by contacting their child’s building principal.
- Qualifying students have the right to participate in the district’s gifted and talented program in accordance with the district’s policy regarding the program. A copy of the policy is available through the superintendent’s office.
- Parents have the right to review teachers’ manuals, films, tapes or other supplementary instructional material if the materials are being used in connection with a research or experimentation program or project. In order to review these materials, the parent should contact the building principal.
- Parents have the right to receive a school report card. Information regarding these report cards will be provided through school publications, but a copy of the actual report card is available in the superintendent’s office.
Students are required to attend school regularly, and the district is required to notify parents of any student absence unless the parent has already contacted the school to report the absence. The district will send a written notice to parents if their minor student appears to be in danger of exceeding the maximum allowable number of absences and will notify the district attorney and the parent if a child may be considered truant. Parents may contact the child’s principal for additional information regarding student absences.
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- Parents have the right to review the district’s courses of study and textbooks. Arrangements for this review can be made through the building principal.
- Students may be excused from school for religious purposes provided the parent contacts the building principal to request such an absence.
- Parents have the right to review all district policies, including parental involvement policies. Copies of these policies are available through the superintendent’s office.
- Parents have the right to participate in parent-teacher organizations. Information regarding these groups will be made available during activities such as enrollment, schedule pickups and back to school night. Parents who wish to have additional information regarding these groups can obtain more detail through the principal’s office.
- Parents may opt out of selected district level data collection related to state longitudinal student data system reporting. Parents may not opt out of necessary and essential record collecting. Parents may file an opt out request through the superintendent’s office.
- The district will not procure, solicit to perform, arrange for the performance of, perform surgical procedures or perform a physical examination upon a minor student or prescribe any prescription drugs to a minor student without first obtaining a written consent for the proposed assessment or treatment. The written consent will be effective for the school year for which it was granted, and must be renewed each subsequent school year. If the assessment or treatment for which the written consent is provided is performed through telemedicine at a school site, and if the written consent is provided by the Parent and is currently effective, the health professional shall not be required to verify that the parent is at the school site.
- The district will not procure, solicit to perform, arrange of the performance of or perform an assessment for mental health therapy on a minor student without first obtaining consent of a parent or legal guardian of the minor. The written consent will be effective for the school year for which it was granted, and must be renewed each subsequent school year. If the assessment or treatment for which the written consent is provided is performed through telemedicine at a school site, and if the written consent is provided by the Parent and is currently effective, the health professional shall not be required to verify that the parent is at the school site. However, a student shall not be seen without consent.
A student shall not be vaccinated at school or on school grounds or receive a vaccine as part of the mobile vaccination effort without prior written authorization, including the signature of the parent or legal guardian of the student for the vaccine or group of vaccines to be administered during a single visit.
Parents requesting information outlined in this policy should submit written requests for information through the building principal or superintendent’s office, as noted in the respective section. Appropriate school personnel will either make the information available
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or provide a written explanation of why the information is being withheld within ten (10) days of the request. Any parent whose request is denied or who does not receive a response within fifteen (15) days may submit a written request for the information to the board of education. The board will include an item on its next public meeting agenda (or the following meeting, if time does not permit inclusion of the item on the agenda) to allow the board to formally consider the parent’s request.
OKLA. STAT. tit. 70 §1-116.2 OKLA. STAT. tit. 25 § 2001
OKLA. STAT. tit. 25 §2004, et seq.
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Letter for Parents’ Right to Know Regarding Teacher Qualifications
To Parents/Guardians:
Your child is attending a school receiving Title I federal funds through the
Every Student Succeeds Act (referred to as EESA). This Federal law
requires that parents be notified of their right to know the professional
qualifications of their child's teacher(s) in core academic subject areas,
including the following:
- The type of state credential or license that the teacher holds. Some
teachers will have a credential in a particular subject area, such as English
or mathematics, and others will have a multiple subject credential, which
allows them to teach a variety of subjects, such as in elementary schools.
- The education level and subject area of the teacher’s college degree(s).
All teachers have a bachelor’s degree, and many teachers have graduate
degrees beyond the bachelor’s, such as a masters or doctoral degree.
In addition to the qualifications of the teacher, if a paraprofessional
(teacher’s aide) provides your child services, you may also request
information about his or her qualifications. Many paraprofessionals have
two years of college, and others have passed a test that verifies their
If you would like this information, please contact the building principal.
Thank you,
David Carriger
Quapaw Public Schools
Quapaw Public School District Foster Care Plan
Under the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1112(c)(5)(B) Title I educational stability provisions take effect on December 10, 2016. By such date, each school district shall have a Foster Care Plan developed and disseminated to all stakeholders.
In Section 1111(c)(5) of ESSA, the school district must collaborate with the Child Welfare Agency and Tribal Child Welfare Agencies (CWA) to implement the Title I educational stability provisions. Therefore, each school district shall develop a clear, written Foster Care Plan. As such, the Foster Care Plan for Quapaw Public School District shall be as follows:
1. LEA Point of Contact and responsibilities.
The superintendent will designate at least one person to serve as the Foster Care Point of Contact (POC). The POC may also be the homeless student coordinator. This designation will occur by December 10, 2016, and shall be updated annually. The name of this person will be turned in to the OSDE through the online Grants Management System by September 30th of each year. If additional staff members are needed to meet the requirements, the superintendent will make assignments as deemed necessary. The POC will work in the best interest of the child to ensure that all educational requirements are being met.
The POC will work closely with the CWA to:
- Coordinate with the corresponding child welfare agency POC to implement Title I provisions;
- Lead the development of a process for making the best interest determination;
- Document the best interest determination;
- Facilitate the transfer of records and immediate enrollment;
- Facilitate data sharing with the child welfare agencies, consistent with FERPA and other privacy protocols;
- Develop and coordinate local transportation procedures;
- Manage best interest determinations and transportation cost disputes;
- Ensure that children in foster care are enrolled in and regularly attending school; and • Provide professional development and training to school staff on the Title I provisions and educational needs of children in foster care, as needed.
2. Decision-making process.
A committee will meet to determine if the school of origin is not in the best interest of each foster care child and the appropriate placement of the child. The committee will be comprised of the site administrator or representative, the LEA’s POC, and a member of the CWA. In emergency circumstances the CWA has the authority to make an immediate decision regarding
Last Modified 12/2/16
the school placement, and then consult with the LEA and revisit the best interest determination of the child.
In the event of a disagreement regarding school placement for a child in foster care, the CWA will be considered the final decision maker in making the best interest determination. The CWA is uniquely positioned to assess vital non-educational factors such as safety, sibling placements, the child’s permanency goal, and other components of the case plan. The CWA also has the authority, capacity, and responsibility to collaborate with and gain information from multiple parties including parents, children, schools and the court in making these decisions.
3. The type of documentation or records that should be shared between parties.
Foster care parents, social workers or other legal guardians will be allowed to immediately enroll children in foster care in the school district without having the necessary paperwork (birth certificates, shot records, academic records, special education records, etc.) This is to help aid the student with a smooth transition into the district. The receiving school district will contact the school district of origin for the records and make adaptations as needed. After enrollment, the following guardianship or legal custody documents shall be provided for verification by the foster family or CWA:
Power of attorney Affidavit
Court Order
Quapaw school district will share education records with the CWA that are allowed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other state privacy laws. This allows educational agencies to disclose without parental consent educational records, including IDEA, of students in foster care to the CWA.
4. Collaborative structure, such as regularly scheduled meetings, in which relevant individuals can participate in a particular process.
The POC will meet with the site administrator, school counselor, classroom teacher, and foster parent as needed to discuss the progress of the child in foster care and will document the results of meetings. All decisions will be made utilizing a collaborative team approach to determine what will be in the best interest of the child.
5. The best interest determination document regarding the child’s school placement (school of origin or the receiving school).
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Quapaw school district shall utilize the following sample form from the Oklahoma State Department of Education in making a “best interest” determination for each child in foster care. The final determination as to what is in the best interest of the child will be made by the CWA.
Print on School Letterhead and Individualized for Each Student Best Interest Determination Evaluation
Child’s Name:______________________________________________________________________
Birthday: _________________Age:__________ Grade: ___________ Date:____________________
Current District:___________________________ Current Site:_______________________________
Student will remain in the current school unless consideration of the following factors indicates a change of school
placement is in the child’s best interest (check all that apply.)
School of Origin (A)
Receiving School
Other Previous School Attended (C)
Which school will better meet the relational needs of the child? Select all that apply:
o Siblings
o Relationships with peers o Relationships with staff
Describe the relationship connections at current school: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ List strategies for maintaining important connections should other best interest determination be made: ___________________________________________________
Which school will better meet the individual academic needs and challenges of the child? Select all that apply:
o 504 Plan
o Gifted Program o Career Tech
o EL Services
Which school will better meet the social/emotional needs and challenges of the child?
Select all that apply:
o Social
o Emotional o Safety
Which school will better meet the unique needs and interests of the child? Select all that apply:
o Extracurricular Activities o Sports
o Other
Student will describe the areas of desired school involvement:
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___________________________________________________ Which school will best meet the permanency goal and likelihood of reunification with parents or siblings?
Which school is more appropriate for the child’s age and length of travel?Explain:_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Describe the child’s transfer history._____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Which school does the student prefer to attend? Explain:____________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Which school does the caregiver or current placement provider recommends the student attend? Explain:____________________________________________
Identify strategies for successful transition to new school and/or support in current school:_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
Supporting Documentation
Attach any supporting documentation used to determine best interest of child:
- Report Cards
- Progress Reports
- Achievement Data (test scores)
- Attendance Data
- IEP or Section 504 Plans
- Other: _____________________________________________________
Based on the information provided and considering the best interest of the child, the team has determined the following school is the most appropriate educational placement for the child:_____________________________________________________
Team Members:
LEA representative:___________________________________________________________
Printed name Signature
CWA representative:___________________________________________________________
Printed name Signature
Education Decision Maker ______________________________________________________
Printed name Signature
Other: _____________________________________________________________________
Printed name Signature
6. Transportation procedures.
Children in foster care will be entitled to transportation services in the same manner as all other children in the school district. In addition to regular transportation routes, the school district will collaborate with the CWA when transportation is required to maintain children placed in foster care in a school of origin outside their usual attendance area or district when it is in the best
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interest of the student. Under the supervision of the superintendent, the POC will invite appropriate district officials, the CWA, and officials from other districts or agencies to promptly arrange cost-effect transportation for the student.
7. Responsibilities and costs related to student transportation.
Quapaw school district will collaborate with the CWA to develop and implement clear, written procedures governing how transportation is provided to maintain children in foster care in their schools of origin. The school district will also work with the CWA to reach an agreement in regards to covering the transportation costs. The agreement will cover how the transportation will be provided, arranged, and funded for the duration of the child’s time in foster care. Eachagreement can/will vary greatly because the unique needs of each child should be considered in making the decision on transportation.
8. Clear, written policies that will remove barriers to immediate enrollment and record transfers for children in foster care.
Quapaw board of education has modified existing board policy to eliminate any barriers to enrollment and/or transfer of educational records for children in foster care.
Federal Policies/Meetings 2022-23/JOM/Indian Education Parents/News/
Title Parent Surveys
August 16, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
HS Student Rep: Lacinda Attocknie
May 3, at 5:00 p.m. (Administration Building)
September 29 at 4:30 p.m.