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Health and Safety

School Nurse: Maddison Vernon

Phone: 918-674-2236 ext. 205

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in the U.S. and its use is growing. Marijuana use among all adult age groups, both sexes, and pregnant women is going up. At the same time, the perception of how harmful marijuana use can be is declining. Increasingly, young people today do not consider marijuana use a risky behavior.

Brain Health: Marijuana can cause permanent IQ loss of as much as 8 points when people start using it at a young age.  These IQ points do not come back, even after quitting marijuana.

Mental Health: Studies link marijuana use to depression, anxiety, suicide planning and psychotic episodes.  It is not known, however, if marijuana use is the cause of these conditions.

 Athletic Performance: Research shows that marijuana affects timing, movement, and coordination, which can harm athletic performance.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)


Oklahoma Health Department

All students of all grade levels have a required & current immunization record or a state approved exemption form on file with the school prior to their admission to school AND this information is made available to parents on the school website.  70 O.S. § 1210.191

EXISITING LAW:  70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.191 A  (this section did not change)

No minor child shall be admitted to any public, private, or parochial school operating in this state unless and until certification is presented to the appropriate school authorities from a licensed physician, or authorized representative of the State Department of Health, that such child has received or is in the process of receiving immunizations against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB), measles (rubeola), rubella, poliomyelitis, varicella, and hepatitis A or is likely to be immune as a result of the disease.

NEW SECTION:  70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.191 E (this section is NEW)

The State Department of Education shall provide and ensure that each school district in this state provides, on the school district website and in any notice or publication provided to parents regarding immunization requests, the following information regarding immunization requirements for school attendance: “For school enrollment, a parent or guardian shall provide one of the following:

1. Current, up-to-date immunization records; or

2. A completed and signed exemption form.”